A Safe Place Bereavement Group

Wednesday, October 910:00—11:30 AMNancy McCue Room (Tutor Room)

The Safe Place Bereavement Group is here to support you through the ups and downs of loss. Our group provides a welcoming environment where you can share your experiences, express your feelings, and learn coping strategies. While your grief is unique, finding comfort in connecting with others who face similar challenges can be reassuring. Grieving is a process that requires your attention, and there’s no single “right” way to do it. Though joining a grief group might feel daunting, many have discovered it to be an invaluable resource. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

There are six classes in the series. Register once for all 6.

Presented by the Lakes Region Visiting Nurse Association Hospice. 

Facilitator Bio:

Brenda Wentworth, MA, is an ordained Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Care and Bereavement Provider at Lakes Region Visiting Nurse and Hospice. While spiritual care is often associated with religion, it is really about what brings us comfort, meaning, and strength in life. Brenda helps people of all beliefs and backgrounds connect with their own spirituality and find the resources they need to navigate life's challenges which includes the deeply personal journey through grief.  

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