Caregivers Support Group with Granite VNA
Friday, April 2610:00—11:30 AMProgram Meeting Room
The Caregiver's Group, an informal group of people who are caring for a loved one, meeting every Friday at the Moultonborough Library at 10 a.m., will welcome Brooke Noonan this Friday, April 26. All are welcome.
Brooke is a community health educator with Granite State Visiting Nurses Association. She has taught classes and wellness workshops to help caregivers deal with stress. Our group and other guests will take a peek at what her six-week course might include. That course is called Powerful Tools for Caregivers series, a nationally recognized, evidence-based program
The Caregivers Group has developed a book list and our own documents about how to get through a trying time.
Caregivers Group welcomes anyone who is caring for someone. We help each other, listen, offer tips and information, blow off steam and laugh. And we often have guest speakers like Brooke.
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