Climate Change and Health in NH

Tuesday, August 136:00—7:00 PMProgram Meeting Room

NH weather is often the subject of jokes - 'if you don't like it wait, it'll change.' But many of the changes we have experienced recently are anything but funny. Returning from the garden or a walk these days means carefully checking for ticks and finding them far more frequently than in the past. Temperature has become an important go, no-go factor for outdoor activity. And this past year after gully washing rains, we have found our driveways and even roads washed out: inconvenient, expensive and perhaps scary.

What are these changes and why are they happening? Perhaps more importantly, what can we do now to maintain a livable environment for ourselves, our children and their families? 

Join Dr. Judith (Judy) Joy (PhD, RN), for a discussion of climate change and what we are able to do now to address it.  She is a member of the NH Healthy Climate Board of Directors and is an active gardener and outdoors person.  

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